Magical Memories Daycare

Nutrition is the process of breaking down food and substances taken in by the mouth to use for energy in the body. By practising a healthy diet, many of the known health issues can be avoided. The diet of an organism is what it eats, which is largely determined by the perceived palatability of foods. There are six major classes of nutrients: carbohydrates, fats, minerals, protein, vitamins, and water.

At Magical Memories Daycare our menu is designed with child development in mind allowing children the necessary energy to reach their full potential. It is our nutritional philosophy that describes our meal plans and nutrition policy. Our Snacks comprises of the following;

Made in house from scratch

Made in clean and sterilized environment

Made using fresh ingredients available in market

We Rotate meal plan on a 4 week basis and is modified seasonally

Certified by and recommended by Health Canada

Adaptable to allergy concerns and needs

Absolutely nut free

Children tend to think the "grass is greener . . ." when they see someone eating something different from them. We will honour a parent's religious or philosophical objections to a menu item and the parent can substitute any objectionable item with an item from home.

Why is Proper Nutrition Important for Children?

Are nutrition and health related? Is healthy eating important? Of course!

Like a finely-tuned racing car, your body needs the right fuel (food) and regular maintenance (exercise, lifestyle and mental attitude) to achieve its true health potential. Nothing is more important than healthy eating for Children!

Put in the wrong fuel or let it go without regular use and there's no way it can deliver its full power and performance. Without healthy eating, your body's engine will cough, splutter and eventually stall.

Maintaining a balanced diet by healthy eating for Children Can:

Give Children vitality and energy for life

Help children stay at a weight that's right for you

Boost children’s immune system

Improve sports and physical activity performance

Delay the effects of ageing.

Keep children active and fit into older age

Help beat tiredness and fatigue.

Protect teeth and keep gums healthy.

Enhance children’s ability to concentrate and possible alter mood or crankiness.